Organizing PDF Files For Printing
If you are looking for a simple piece of software to organize PDF files you’ve found it. Before creating FileSplice we found that almost every piece of pre-press software was unnecessarily complicated, too expensive, or a combination of the two. We’ve cut through all the clutter and created software that’s easy to use. It’s flexible to whatever your needs are, easily accessible, and low cost.
PDF Organization Made Simple and Affordable
The File Splice software offers you the ability to organize (merge/combine/impose) PDF files of any size or shape. To summarize in a list here are the features:
- You can create your own custom templates for PDF organization
- You can set any page size you like for output
- You can resize your PDFs to enlarge or downsize them if required
- You can choose the layout on page such as step and repeat or cut and stack
- You can set product bleeds and turn on or off crop marks
- You can set page bleeds and spacing between PDFs
- You can specify batch sizes of how many pages you want outputted. This is in case you have limitations during whatever finishing process needs to be done (trimming, bindery, etc.)
- You can add a break label or custom file in between files to easily reference breaks between PDFs

Minimize your Investment and Maximize your Return
The world of pre-press has changed significantly in the past several years. Web to print software solutions are more accurate, feature rich, and user friendly. Most importantly these programs output files that require little or no adjustments before they are organized for printing. The point is that nine times out of ten a PDF that’s ready to be organized for production or printing won’t require color correction, editing, or enhancing of some kind. This means that in today’s market there is a need for a simple, easy to use and affordable software that organizes PDFs. File Splice fills that space.
If you need a PDF software that will watermark, edit, color correct, fill, embed fonts, knockout white, and more then you are in the wrong place. However, if this is the case you should take a step back and look why your PDFs need so much attention before being organized for production.
Get Help Organizing Your PDF Files
If you have any questions about our capabilities to organize PDFs or you have a project you need some direction on contact us. We’re happy to help or offer any advice we can.