
Turning A Multi Page PDF Into One Page – Customer Problem Solved

A customer came to us looking to take a fairly large multi page PDF and combine all of the pages onto a single page. We see it all the time where someone wants to combine two to four pages on a single page. It’s generally someone combining notes for a project or class and that’s…


Imposition Software API

Are you looking for an API for imposition software or merging files on a page? Automate your file imposition tasks with our API, merging PDF, JPG or PNG files in step and repeat or cut and stack format. Create custom templates by specifying page size, bleed, spacing, file dimensions and file bleed. Automatically generate cut…


Reorder PDF Pages

Here is how to quickly reorder PDF pages. This is so simple it takes literally seconds using our splitter and then collate tool. It’s a two step process and here are the steps. Download your newly reordered PDF file from the history section. That’s it. Here is a quick explainer video if you prefer to…


A Series Paper Sizes and How To Impose Files On Them

A series paper sizes are a collection of sizes that follow an international organization standard (ISO) for paper size. Within the A series there are 11 sizes. They range from A0 which is the largest down to A10 which is the smallest. If you are from North America or Canada you may and probably haven’t…

Rectangle Packing – Merge Different Size Files Together Automatically

Rectangle packing is a type of packing problem where you have a set of random shaped rectangles or squares and you find the most efficient way to place them inside of a larger rectangle or square space. The easiest way to visualize this is by thinking of the game Tetris. Everyone remembers Tetris where the…