
Turning A Multi Page PDF Into One Page – Customer Problem Solved

A customer came to us looking to take a fairly large multi page PDF and combine all of the pages onto a single page. We see it all the time where someone wants to combine two to four pages on a single page. It’s generally someone combining notes for a project or class and that’s an easy one. But this customer’s project was unique in that it was such a large number of pages (over 50). Granted the page size they wanted to merge onto was much larger than a standard size 8.5”x11” page but still. That’s a lot of information to combine on a single page.

Combining A Large Number Of Pages Into One Single Page

In the hopes we can help others with this same problem we put together instructions on how to do this. It’s pretty simple actually, only a three step process but before you get to those three steps you have to determine two things.

  • Decide what size you want the one final page to be. Keeping in mind that you may be scaling down dozens of pages to fit within these dimensions. 
  • Do you want to scale down (or up) the pages? Or maybe you want them to remain their original size?

Once you have determined those two things you can move to the three steps. 

1. Create the Template You Need. A template is the format of the one page you are creating. It determines the layout and how the finished file looks. For our customers’ problem they wanted it on a 42” wide by however tall it needed to be to fit all of their files. Spoiler alert it ended up being 150” tall. A 42”x150” PDF that contained over 50 images, each at one point being its own page. 

Combining A Large Number Of Pages Into One Single Page

Here are the instructions for creating a template. Keep in mind that if you want the pages to retain their original dimensions you want to use the “packable” template type. This tells the system to keep the pages their original size when placing them on the new page. If you want to specify the size then you select “standard” for the template type and can then set the sizes of the pages placed within the template.

2. Split the Multi Page File Into Individual Pages. This process is easy, upload the file to the splitter tool and click the download all pages button. Once it divides the file into individual pages click the other button to download the zip file of all the pages. 

split pdf

3. Upload All Of The Pages To The Template. You can drag and drop them from within the browser or connect via FTP. Then select all from the top and click the build button. That’s it, head over to the history section to download your new one page file made from many pages. 

upload pages to a template

Here is a quick video showing these three steps.

Get Help Turning Multi Page PDFs Into a Single Page.

Let us know if we can help you. We always offer free setup and support so reach out to us if you are stuck. We can help you with figuring out a project, workflow or setting up a template. Because File Splice is cloud based we can assist you no matter where you are in the world, just keep in mind we’re in the US on Pacific Standard Time. If you email us, look to hear back within 24 hours or less.

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