
A Series Paper Sizes and How To Impose Files On Them

A series paper sizes are a collection of sizes that follow an international organization standard (ISO) for paper size. Within the A series there are 11 sizes. They range from A0 which is the largest down to A10 which is the smallest. If you are from North America or Canada you may and probably haven’t…

Imposition Software That Will Instantly Increase Your Bottom Line

If you are looking for a simple solution to impose files and streamline production, File Splice is the answer. This Imposition Software makes setting up custom layouts easier and quicker than any other software on the market. You have the ability to save as many layouts (templates) as you want in your account. Each with…

Print Workflow Automation: A Simple & Low Cost Solution

File Splice is a simple, reliable and low cost solution to automate your printing workflow. File Splice functions as a file repository, imposition software, collation software and more. The printing industry is extremely crowded, actually too crowded. Equipment advances and web-to-print technology has fueled massive growth in the past decade. Per this research the printing…

Maximizing Profitability In Short Run Printing

Short run commercial printing comes with several unique challenges. The main challenge is how to maximize profitability while keeping quality high and turnaround time quick. Printing companies regardless of size face this challenge but it’s especially critical for small to medium shops. Larger shops can more easily absorb costs associated with short run jobs. However,…

Alternative to HP SmartStream Designer Imposition Software

One of the most popular commercial grade imposition and variable data softwares is the HP SmartStream Designer. Launched in the early 2000s, HP developed SmartStream as an imposition and variable data tool. It goal was to make software that would work with a wide variety of printing presses. Since then it’s been through dozens of…

How to Design and Print Multiple Business Cards

The Importance of a Business Card Even in a digital world business cards are still the easiest way to communicate and expand the reach of your business in the marketplace. They share key information about you and your business and are a tangible prompt of you and what you represent. Business cards spark reminders and…